Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) by Watermark is an online tool used by Teacher Education students and faculty to manage program data.
Each student enrolled in a course with SL&L requirements is provided a subscription to SL&L. New accounts are created during the THIRD WEEK OF CLASSES of every semester. Students maintain this subscription for the duration of their time at BSU.
For instructions on how to log in, please review the how-to guides linked below.
SL&L Requirements and Tools
Every student enrolled in a Teacher Education program is required to use SL&L for the following:
- Submit Field Experience documentation
- Submit Key Assignments as directed by the course instructor
- Submit Student Teaching/Practicum documentation, including the edTPA
SL&L How-To Guides
Contact Information for SL&L Assistance
***Please review the how-to guides above prior to reaching out for additional support.***
Watermark Customer Service
- Phone: (800) 311-5656
Follow the menu prompts to be transferred to SL&L support.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm and Friday 7am-6pm (Central)
BSU Contact
Dr. Erika Adams
- Email:
- Phone: (218) 755-4615
The Office of Teacher Education used Taskstream prior to SL&L to capture field logs, plans of study, key assessments and student teaching documentation. If you would like to access documents in your Taskstream account, you can login here.
You do not need to move Taskstream items to SL&L as the department still has access to Taskstream submissions.
If your Taskstream account has expired, you can still access these items in an archived format.