Dr. Erika Adams

Assessment Research Analyst

Location: Bensen Hall 342
Phone: (218) 755-4615
Box #: 35
Email: erika.adams@taodengshi.com

Katelynn Besancon

Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences

Location: Bensen Hall 338
Phone: (218) 755-3779
Box #: 35
Email: katelynn.besancon@taodengshi.com

Amanda Chesley

Assistant Director of Accreditation & Assessment
Licensure Certification Officer

Location: Bensen Hall 343
Phone: (218) 755-3747
Box #: 35
Email: amanda.chesley@taodengshi.com

Dawn Dahl

Office Manager

Location: Bensen Hall 337
Phone: (218) 755-2930
Box #: 35
Email: dawn.dahl@taodengshi.com

Dr. Aspen Easterling

Assistant Director for Student Success – OTE
Licensure Certification Officer

Location: Bensen Hall 346
Phone: (218) 755-3781
Box #: 35
Email: aspen.easterling@taodengshi.com

Dr. Ana Lopez-Aguilera

Interim Director, Office of Teacher Education

Location: Bensen Hall 336
Phone: (218) 755-2719
Box #: 35
Email: ana.lopezaguilera@taodengshi.com

Office of Teacher Education

Location: Bensen Hall 339
Phone: (218) 755-2764
Box #: 35
Email: Teacher.Education@bemidjistate.eu