The Center for Professional Development offers resources including the Undergraduate Teaching Associates Program and Pedagogy to improve your teaching skills and aid your students in their studies.
Professional Development
The CPD is dedicated to assisting faculty throughout their career! In addition to the resources found within this site, the CPD regularly sponsors events throughout the academic year. Please watch for emails and check our calendar for what’s coming up!
Previous events can be found by searching the CPD’s calendar on LiveWhale.
- PDP, T&P, IFO… What do all these acronyms mean?
- PDP: Professional Development Report
- T&P: Tenure & Promotion
- IFO: Bargaining unit: Inter-Faculty Organization (statewide faculty union)
- Where can I find the IFO contract?
- IFO Contract Settlement
- Contact Michael Murray for more information
- What activities or materials are suitable evidence for my professional development plan?
- Please explore Criterion 1-5 for additional resources.
Teaching Logistics
Find your classroom in the Course Schedule and Campus Map.
Office Hours
According to the IFO contract, faculty members must be available for students 10 hours per week for assisting students, at times and approved locations, either on or off-campus, posted at the faculty member’s office for faculty members with assigned offices. As used in this paragraph, the term “approved locations” may include electronic or other alternate modes of contact.
BSU eLearning Support is the place for faculty and staff to go for instructional design and D2L Brightspace support for their classes. Brightspace troubleshooting support is available on campus, via email, and by phone. Contact Beth Jensen for more information.
Classroom Technology Services provides technical support for smart classrooms at Bemidji State University. Most general-use classrooms on campus are equipped with a projector, screen, document camera, DVD/VCR combo player, and sound system. Many classrooms also have computers installed.
We also provide a range of video services and have student technicians to assist with events and meeting presentation technology needs.
If you would like individual training on the use of any classroom technology, please contact us at 218-755-2759 or email to schedule an appointment.
- Course Reserves
- Instruction Services
- Liaison Librarians
- Creating Persistent Links to Articles in the Library’s Online Resources
Student Concerns
If you have a concern about a student in your class (mental health, excessive absences, inappropriate behavior, etc.), contact Student Life & Success for support services.
If you suspect a student is plagiarizing, use Turnitin provides instructors with the tools to engage students in the writing process, provide personalized feedback, and assess student progress over time. Also, refer students to the Writing Resource Center.