Course Evaluation Overview
The CPD conducted a workshop on Gender and Biases in student evaluations in 2018 to discuss how student evaluations can be crafted most effectively to capture useful information and minimize biases in students’ evaluation of instructors and courses. The participants of the workshop contributed the new evaluation questions to minimize bias, and these are included at the end of the PowerPoint. Please note that the sample evaluations are meant to serve as templates only. For best results, we suggest you personalize your end-of-semester evaluations. To help with this personalization please see the examples below.
Evaluation Form Examples
- Best Practices for Conducting Student Evaluations
- Course Evaluation Options
- Gender and Other Biases in Student Evaluations
- Peer reviewed resources on student evaluations
- Sample 1- End of semester course evaluation
- Sample 2- End of semester evaluation
- Sample 3- End of semester evaluation
- End of semester instructor and course evaluation form
- Question Bank for end-of-semester student evaluation
- Mid-Semester group evaluation
- Instructions for administering a Scantron evaluation
- Additional student course evaluation support
Online Course Evaluations
D2L: You can use one of the above evaluations, documents or create your own using the above question bank. The evaluation document can then be added to your D2L shell. Once added to your course, the anonymous survey can be edited as desired. All survey results are confidential and can only be shared by you. Results can be viewed, printed and exported to Excel. There are more detailed instructions on getting your survey into D2L. If you need assistance, contact Beth Jensen in eLearning Support (
Qualtrics is another resource available for online course evaluations. Qualtrics is an easy-to-use web-based survey tool allowing you to create your own evaluation.
Computer Scored Course Evaluations
All course evaluations, including the CPD End of Semester Evaluation Form, department specified forms and forms developed by the instructor to evaluate a particular course, as long as they are on approved sheets from ITS, can be scored by Information Technology Services.
As described in the Best Practices instructions, it is best to arrange to have someone else (a student worker or colleague) conduct the class evaluations while the instructor is absent from the room. If written comments are requested, provide students with a separate sheet of paper and open-ended questions and arrange to have the comments transcribed by your department’s administrative services during the winter or summer break.
Student Assessment of Learning Gains
Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG): This website provides faculty with tools to develop their own assessment instrument that is built around student learning gains. The SALG approach requests that students assess and report on their own learning and the degree to which aspects of the course (such as assignments and other learning opportunities) contribute to their learning.