
Congratulations on your new job at Bemidji State University! Now what should you do? Below are a few of the things that need to be taken care of to be sure that your employment starts smoothly.

Before Your First Day

You should receive an email token, sent by the hiring manager, to log into the Minnesota State site to complete your employee profile.

On or After Your First Day

Once your employment documents have been received and entered into the payroll system you can begin receiving your paycheck, obtain your BSU Badge and Keycard and activate your campus accounts granting access to systems including computers, email, etc.

Within Three Days of Your Start Date

It is required by law that you prove you are legally allowed to work in the United States. Within three days of your start date, go to Human Resources and provide the necessary proof of your eligibility for employment in the U.S. (see Lists of Acceptable Documents on page 9).

Additional Resources

  • Minnesota State Self Service. The State of MN Self Service website allows you to view/print your pay stub, change your home address, enroll in insurance benefits (if eligible), as well as access other payroll functions. You will receive a letter of explanation along with your User ID and password in the mail, after your employment has been documented in the personnel and payroll systems. Your User ID is your State Employee ID, which is an assigned 8-digit number. If this is your first time logging in, use the last four digits of your social security number or click Forgot Password. Previous state employees should already have a User ID and password.
  • Eligible for Benefits? Start familiarizing yourself with them. SEGIP provides a variety of health and wellbeing benefit programs for state employees and other organizations that participate in SEGIP. The state’s health benefits include medical and optional dental insurance, a pharmacy benefit and programs that offer health coaching and worksite wellness initiatives. Wellbeing programs include life, disability and long-term care insurance; and pre-tax spending accounts for medical, dental, vision, childcare, parking and commuting expenses.
  • Access Systems & Your Email. New to BSU: You will need a StarID to access the university systems such as eServices, eTimesheet and email. If you are brand new to Minnesota State (formerly MnSCU), then you need to activate your StarID. If you already have a StarID, even if it is from another Minnesota State institution, you’re all set. Please note that it takes at least 24 hours for email to start synchronizing into mailbox.Official notifications regarding your employment, updates, announcements and, campus events will come to you through email. You will want to make sure and check your email account, even if it is not your primary email account.
  • Set up Direct Deposit
    • Go to the State of MN Self Service website
    • Enter your State employee ID (assigned 8-digit number) as the User ID
    • Select State of MN Self Service > Other Payroll > Direct Deposit
Item Description
Benefits & Insurance Will receive benefits package in the mail after 10 days of employment. Enrollment will be online.
Star ID The StarID is a username that replaces many login IDs with one ID, one password, everywhere and used for email, D2L Brightspace, My BSU and more! Please create as soon as possible.
Tech ID Generated upon new hire and used for printing, tuition waivers, parking, ID badge and more! Ask HR if not noted on top of this form.
State ID (SEMA4 ID) Generated upon new hire and used for expense reporting, Self-Service log in and more! Ask HR if not noted on top.
Campus ID This card gives you access to facilities, events, dining and is a form of campus identification. Please go to Lower Hobson Memorial Union and bring tech ID with for badge.
Email & Calendar Email addresses are initiated by Computer Services.
Campus Directory Once your location and office info is assigned, you’ll want to update the campus directory which is found next to “My BSU”
Printing & Copying Logging into the printer, you’ll use your tech Id with a 3 in front of it. Your supervisor should have printer names for you to set up or reach out to the helpdesk/IT (extensions 3777).
Telephone Set Up & Voicemail You’ll want to set up voicemail asap. IT can help with this and instructions are on their department site.
Long Distance Call Code When making long distance calls, a calling code will be needed. Please request via helpdesk email; helpdesk@taodengshi.com
eTimesheet All timecards and leave requests are done in “Workday.” You’ll access this through “My BSU”
State of MN Employee Self Service Here, you’ll have access to paystubs, W-2, vacation balance, benefit info. Use State ID to log in. You’ll access this through “Employee Home” in “My BSU”
Keys Your supervisor will need to complete a key authorization form to issue your keys. This can be picked up in Finance and Administration.
Parking Permit If you’re not familiar with campus, view our BSU campus Map. If you’re interested in a parking pass,register for one. These can be purchased at the Cashier’s Office on 2nd floor of Deputy Hall or online.
Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) Here you’ll find your online training courses. You access this through Self Service.
Tuition Waiver To check eligibility and details for tuition waiver, please see Tuition Waiver Matrix on the HR webpage.
Position Description & Organization Chart Please review and submit signed copy by both you and your supervisor to HR
Campus Policies & Procedures All policies and procedures such as equal opportunity and non-discrimination, disability services, administrative texting, etc. can be found on the Presidents page and Office of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action page.
HR Compliance Training This training is made up of 4 sections and done in D2L brightspace. You’ll receive an email with instructions once you’ve been enrolled. This must be completed asap.
Role specific Training Your supervisor will be able to tell you of any additional role specific training that needs to be completed. Most training is done online via ELM in Self Service.
Distribution Lists Your supervisor will be able to request your name added to any department specific needed distro lists.
Purchasing Card Your supervisor will know if you need a “P-card.”